
Scientific Activity
      Work package description

Peer reviewed
Press release       





DENANA will deliver basic knowledge with regard to:

  1. Variation of the characteristics of produced particles in order to obtain particles optimized for application but with low toxicity

  2. Assessment of eco-toxicological impact and toxic mechanisms from molecular, cellular, metabolic and eco-physiological and eco-systemic measures

  3. Environmental effects on the ENPs behaviour (e. g. aggregation, solubility, transport, stability and reactivity)

  4. Direct determination of the molecular corona in the aqueous media for the bridging of human- and eco-toxicological effects

  5. Detection, transport and modeling of exposition, mass flow of ENPs in real media

  6. Long-term effects of selected ENPs on aquatic and terrestrial organisms and complex environmental systems (e.g. system of soil and plant)

  7. Identification of early warning indicators of the long-term hazard potential to predict the long-term risk of the ENPs

  8. Deduction of criteria for an optimized design of ENPs


last modified: 10.02.2015